
  1. Self-advocacy is an important factor in the student’s access of reasonable accommodations in higher education.  Even though a student has the reasonable accommodations provided by ATS listed on the Graduate Student Assignment of Accommodation form, students have the responsibility to request the reasonable accommodations desired, in accordance with the guidelines set forth by ATS.
  2. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the written policies and procedures for registering with the Disability Resource Center, providing the Disability Resource Center with appropriate documentation, identifying the services that he/she desires that are provided in the Graduate Student Assignment of Accommodation form, and requesting these services personally each semester for each course.  A student makes an official request for an accommodation when the respective forms are filled out for standard accommodations, or a written request is submitted and approved is granted for individualized accommodations that are not standardized.
  3. When new documentation is submitted to the Disability Resource Center, the student is informed of its arrival.  The student is encouraged to make contact with the Disability Resource Center to discuss the contents of the documentation, the arrangements to be made for each course, and the processes for accessing the reasonable accommodations that are recommended.
  4. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with each of his/her professors concerning disability-related issues in the respective courses prior to the beginning of each semester.  Forms are provided by the Disability Resource Center that verify a disability and that assist in this communication process with professors for the designated accommodations.  Personnel in the Disability Resource Center are available to assist professors and disability students with unusual situations that may arise.
  5. Students who suspect that they have an undiagnosed disability may consult with the Disability Services Coordinator for referral of qualified professional evaluators.
  6. Professors are not obligated to provide accommodations for a student if the student does not follow the appropriate steps for receiving accommodations.
  7. Students with disabilities who are in violation of the Seminary’s Ethos Statement or Seminary regulations may be subject to sanctions and/or required to participate in a restoration plan. (A list of sanctions is listed in the Student Handbook.) A restoration plan is a uniquely designed action plan meant to foster personal growth and restoration in a community context. In particular, a restoration plan may include, but is not limited to, such elements as a season of counseling, restorative action toward an offended party, ongoing accountability with a community member, small group attendance, or even a leave of absence from the Seminary community.