Roommate/Suitemate Agreement
Roommate/Suitemate Agreement
Roommate/Suitemate Agreement:
Service or Support Animals
By signing this form, I am indicating that I have been informed of the plan of my roommate or suitemate to have the following Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal in our suite/apartment:
Residence: ________________________________________________________
Name of Roommate: ________________________________________________
Type of Animal: _____________________________________________________
Physical Description of Animal (Breed/Color):
I agree to live in the residence with the animal. I understand that I will not be financially responsible for any damage caused by the animal and that the care and safekeeping of the animal is not in any way my responsibility. I also understand that if any misconduct or difficult issues arise due to the presence of a Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal, I will contact a Residence Life representative.
I also understand that I can revoke this agreement at any time. If I were to change my mind about agreeing to live with the animal, I will work with Residence Life staff to find a mutually agreeable housing resolution.
Printed Name: ______________________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________________
Student ID: __________________________ Date Signed: __________________