Resolution of Grievances

Asbury Theological Seminary is committed to providing an educational and work climate that is conducive to the personal and professional development of each enrolled student. To further that commitment, the Seminary has developed a process for each student with disability who would desire to pursue a resolution of grievances within the community.  Each student has the responsibility to be fully acquainted with and to comply with the Seminary’s Ethos Statement and Seminary policies, procedures, and regulations. 

If a faculty member has questions, concerns, or objections to any accommodation of any student with a disability, the faculty member should discuss the issues with the Disability Services Coordinator.  The Disability Services Coordinator will assist the faculty member in resolving the issue in a satisfactory manner so that course requirements or expectations are not substantially altered.

  1. Independent Resolution. If a student has reason to believe that he/she has been denied equal access to any ATS program, service, or activity due to disability, based on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, or Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the student is encouraged to attempt a resolution of the concerns independently by initiating a meeting with the staff member, faculty member, administrator, or student with whom there is a concern or disagreement.  The student makes every attempt to resolve the matter in the context of the concern, with the individuals who are closest to the context.
  2. Disability Services Coordinator. If independent resolution is not satisfactory, the student should submit a written account of the situation, including the names of persons involved, dates, and related variables, to the Disability Services Coordinator.  The report should be submitted immediately after the independent resolution process has been attempted, but in no case more than thirty (30) days. The Disability Services Coordinator will collect data and then schedule a meeting with the student to discuss the situation in order to seek resolution within the Disability Resource Center.  The student should submit the written account of the situation to the ADA Coordinator if the grievance concerns the Disability Resource Center.
  3. Informal Resolution. If the issue is not resolved at this point, the Disability Services Coordinator has an option to mediate a meeting with the student and the concerned parties in order to attempt a resolution.
  4. ADA Coordinator. If the student does not consider the grievance resolved after meeting the Disability Services Coordinator or with an Informal Resolution, the student should submit a written account of the situation, including the names of persons involved, dates, and related variables, to the ADA Coordinator. The report should be submitted immediately after the meeting with the Disability Services Coordinator, but in no case more than thirty (30) days. The ADA Coordinator will collect data and then call a meeting with the student to discuss the situation in order to seek resolution.
  5. Disability Appeals Committee. If resolution is not achieved at this point, then the unresolved grievance shall be forwarded to the Disability Appeals Committee. Grievances must be forwarded in a timely manner and in writing by the Disability Services Coordinator. The written document submitted by the student must include the name, phone number, and campus address of the student initiating the complaint, the names(s), phone number(s), and address(es) of the individual(s) who allegedly denied the student equal access, dates of occurrences, a descriptive statement of the problem, and a statement indicating the potential impact on the complainant.
  6. Disability Appeals Committee Hearing. The Disability Appeals Committee formally hears and resolves disability related grievances that have not been resolved independently or through informal measures. The hearing will take place within fifteen (15) days of the date that the written complaint and necessary documentation are received by the committee.  The burden of proof that an accommodation was wrongly denied must be sustained by the student. 

A.  Membership on the committee includes (1) the ADA Coordinator, who chairs the committee, (2) a faculty member, appointed by the Provost, (3) a representative from the office of Student Services, appointed by the Vice President of Enrollment Management, (4) the Dean of the School of the student, and (5) a representative from the office of the Provost, appointed by the Provost.

B.  All complainants shall have the right to present evidence and witnesses at the panel hearing. Any member of the review panel who is subject to or included in the complaint shall be disqualified from hearing the complaint.  Attorneys are not permitted to attend the hearing.

C.  The Disability Appeals Committee shall keep records that accurately reflect the proceedings. After the hearings are completed the review panel shall deliberate in unrecorded executive session.  A written decision of the committee shall be presented to the complainant within ten (10) days of the hearing. The committee decision will be final.